Tiddlyspot down due to Dreamhost server outage

posted by simon on Sunday, February 25, 2007

See here and here. Check this for updates from Dreamhost.

Your password works again

posted by simon on Thursday, February 22, 2007

Update: 3:40pm local time (GMT +10)

Seems to be working now. Thanks Brian and the support guys at Dreamhost. Thanks ball-boys. And especially thanks to the Tiddlyspotters who reported this problem.

Your password doesn't work [fixed]

posted by Deuce on Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday 1:44pm local time (GMT +10)

We're holding all your sites hostage until we get.. [Dr Evil voice:] ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

No, just kidding. Starting about 15 minutes ago, authentication stopped working. So control panels are inaccessible, and if you have a password-protected site, that's inaccessible too.

Sorry about this. Your data is still safe, just slightly more secure that you want it to be. So please hang tight while we sort it out with the hosting people.

I'll post updates here.


Update: 3:14pm local time (GMT +10)

Our host company has contacted us and said sorry. They are fixing it now. Will update again when it's working.

Update: 3:40pm local time (GMT +10)

all good.

You can now delete your own site

posted by simon on Wednesday, February 14, 2007

There is now an option to delete your own site in your control panel. Hooray! 50% of our support requests are "Please delete my site, I [don't need it/want to create it again]", so this will cut down the support workload considerably I hope.

49% are "I forgot my password" so that will be the next thing to address. The best ways to provide a "forgot password" page involve collecting an email address for each site, so there are some issues there since we currently don't do that.

(Your control panel is at http://sitename.tiddlyspot.com/controlpanel)

MonkeyGTD 2.1 alpha flavour now available

posted by simon on Saturday, February 10, 2007

As mentioned over on the MonkeyGTD Blog the MonkeyGTD 2.1 alpha is available as a flavour now. Keep in mind it is still alpha and it's known to be buggy in IE. If you want to use this for your GTD it might be a good idea to subscribe to the MonkeyGTD blog to find out about updates. Take a look at the new MonkeyGTD here.