Marketing Concepts

posted by simon on Sunday, March 30, 2008

This is a very nice looking Tiddlyspot created by Maurico Ortiz with study notes for marketing and promotion.


Planned outage Friday/Saturday

posted by Deuce on Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tiddlyspot's host is moving some servers around, and the result will be a 12 hour outage, starting at 04:00 Saturday 22 March, GMT. In California's time zone that's 9pm Friday 21 March; at Tiddlyspot Global Headquarters it will be 2pm Saturday 22 March. If you are expecting to get a lot of work done on your tiddlyspot hosted TiddlyWiki over that time, you will need to download your wiki and save your changes locally until the outage is over. Update: You can find this time in your local timezone.

Backstage not showing

posted by simon on Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sites created recently have a problem where the backstage button is not visible while using the site online. If your backstage button isn't showing (it's in the top right corner) then here's how you can fix it. Edit your TspotSetupPlugin tiddler. Add the following:
window.showBackstage = true;
Save to web and reload. You should now see your backstage button. This problem is fixed now for newly created sites.